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Adverse Weather Arrangement

Adverse Weather Arrangement

For the safety of members and participants, there are some special arrangements under inclement weather conditions or extreme conditions:

Tropical Cyclone Warning / Rainstorm Warning / “Extreme Conditions” Centre Operation Activities Arrangement
Indoor Activities Outdoor Activities
Typhoon Signal No.3 or below / Red or Amber Rainstorm Warning is issued Centre operation will be continued Will be continued Will be held subject to actual situations and safety of environment. Please notice our website's update or contact us at 39196100 for enquiry
Typhoon Signal No.8 or above / “Extreme Conditions” is issued Centre will be closed Will be cancelled Will be cancelled
Black Rainstorm Warning is issued If entre is opened, opening hours remain unchanged; If Black Rainstorm Warning is issued before Centre opening hours, Centre will not be opened Ongoing activities will be held as usual; activities not held yet will be cancelled Ongoing activities will be held subject to actual situations and safety of environment; activities not held yet will be cancelled
Typhoon Signal No.8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning / “Extreme Conditions” is cancelled within 7am to 5pm Centre will be reopened within 3 hours after the warning is cancelled Will be held as usual within 3 hours after the warning is cancelled Will be held subject to actual situations and safety of environment. Please notice our website's update or contact us at 39196100 for enquiry
Typhoon Signal No.8 / Black Rainstorm Warning / “Extreme Conditions” is cancelled after 5pm Centre will be closed Will be cancelled Will be cancelled