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Membership Renewal

We appreciate your support to us in the past years. Please feel free to renew your free
membership card 3 months before its expiry with the following steps:

Step 1:       Please complete the Membership Renewal Form
      (the Form will only be valid with your signature) and send back to us either by:

    In person:      Unit 301, 3/F, Ting Ching Amenity and Community Building, Tin Ching Estate,
         Tin Shui Wai, NT.

Or    By mail:         Unit 301, 3/F, Tin Ching Amenity and Community Building, Tin Ching Estate,
            Tin Shui Wai, NT (marked “Membership Renewal” on envelope).

Or    Online:           

Or    By Fax:          3549-8030

Step 2:          After submitting your Membership Renewal Form, please bring along your current membership card in person to our Centre to obtain a new one.

Step 3:          You will have a souvenir (while stock lasts) when you successfully collect your new membership card before its expiry.

If your membership card has expired 1 year after the valid date, your privilege to use any of our Centre facilities will be expired accordingly.  You have to re-apply for a new membership if you want to use our services by that time. 

We shall be very happy to provide more information on this.  Please contact us at 3919-6100.

Yours sincerely
ERB Service Centre